‘Hulk Porridge’


Another opportunity to add some leafy greens into your breakfast on a daily basis. I’m such a fan of getting greens in, early in the day. I called this ‘hulk porridge’ and now my son gets SUPER angry if his porridge isn’t green!

I like to add in plain yoghurt and lots of chopped nuts and nut butter, and sometimes also egg whites into the mix. The egg whites are essential as the protein will help keep blood sugar stable and avoid a mid morning 10am sugar crash.

Use the leftover egg yolks to make mayo!



Serves 2 (DF option)

1 cup oats

1/2 banana

1/2 cup spinach

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 /2 teaspoon chia seeds

1/4 teaspoon vanilla

chopped nuts and nut butter for serving


Place 1/2 banana, chia seeds, vanilla, cinnamon and spinach and 2 cups water in a blender. Use this as cooking water for the oats. Egg whites optional for extra protein.

Put the oats into a pot and add the blender liquid and cook until oats soft.

Serve with berries, yoghurt and nuts as well as your favourite nut butter.

Watch out for additives in nut butter - try to choose a brand that only has ground peanuts in it


Almond milk


Tofu Breakfast Icecream