Is skipping breakfast good or bad?
Breakfast… the most important meal of the day? Or should you skip it altogether? My opinion is that there could be a role for mixing and matching both approaches.
Should I have plant based or dairy milk?
With the rise of the plant based movement, many people are wondering if they should switch to plant based milk over dairy, but are these alternative products the best option for our health?
How to Reduce Sugar Cravings
We all know sugar isn’t good for us, but how do you stop yourself eating a chocolate bar when its 3pm and you’re craving something sweet?
Nutrition and Mental Health - how can it help??
In medicine we tend to use psychological treatment or medication in the first instance to help with mental health. But research suggests there is a lot we can do with our nutrition and lifestyle to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
Here are some quick tips to nourish your brain…
Eggs…… Good or bad??
Well, like anything it depends… It depends on the quantity and quality of the eggs you are consuming and on what you would choose to eat instead if you decided not to consume eggs. For example, if you compare if against kale – sure, kale is probably better for you… but if you chose to eat a plant- based meat instead of an egg, you would be doing yourself a major disservice, due to the highly processed nature of this type of food.