How to Feel More Energised

Do you suffer from tiredness and wonder what you can do to improve your energy levels? Luckily, there are strategies, well supported by science that can help you feel more energized.  


Before embarking on lifestyle change please remember to talk with your GP and rule out underlying medical conditions.


1. Keep blood sugars stable 


The key to avoiding energy slumps is to prevent sudden drops in blood sugar. This typically occurs when consuming something high in sugar or flour leading to a rapid rise and sudden fall of blood sugar: Avoid this by adding extra fibre (veggies) and protein to your meal which should help smooth out your blood sugar dips.  


2. Time restricted eating


Research suggests that eating within a certain time window each day can improve energy levels and cognitive performance. When we are not eating, the body preferentially supplies the brain and muscle with fuel to hunt for food/ Many people feel better and improve their sleep by fasting, or refraining from eating two hours prior to bed.


3. Sleep and vit D 


A good nights sleep is critical to restore energy levels because without good quality rest the body isn’t able to repair damaged cells within the body.  Vitamin d is also important and one of the common symptoms of vitamin d deficiency is lack of energy. Make sure to talk to your doctor about supplementation and definitely get outside in the sunshine (with appropriate sun protection) when you can.


4. Move your body 


Daily movement has been associated in studies with improved energy levels, better mood and improved sleep. The key is in the timing. Avoid late evening intense exercise and instead aim to move early in the morning. It doesn’t have to be a gym session - any type of exercise is good.


5. Substances 


Last but not least, it is important to think about judicious use of alcohol and caffeine. Although most people associate alcohol in the evening with relaxation, it actually reduces the overall quality of sleep. One might then turn to a cup of coffee for a pick me up. Do avoid caffeinated products after midday though, as caffeine can last up to 10 hours and impair the onset of sleep in many people.


Can you work on improving your energy levels this week by avoiding food for two hours prior to sleep?