Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake

A lovely treat for a special occasion. It isn’t sugar free but could be made so if you wanted to make a berry version, you could replace the cacao and nut butter and sugar with 1 cup frozen mixed berries and coconut butter instead of caco butter. The chocolate version is still low sugar though - the recipe makes x3 mini cheese cakes. Between 4 people, 1 mini cheesecake was plenty for us for dessert as it is quite rich. This recipe is also really fast (in fact I’d done it by the time my husband had been to the supermarket and back) and much more nutrient dense than anything from the supermarket.



1 and 3/4 cup ground almonds (can do in food processor)

3 tablespoons of melted coconut oil (melt in microwave for a minute(

1/4 cup smooth peanut butter (I use pics)


1 can coconut cream

1 cup cashews

1/4 cup cacao (or cocoa powder)

1/4 cup smooth peanut butter

3 tablespoons maple syrup.


Line some mini cake tins (or one large one) with baking paper. Mix the ingredients for the base in a bowl and put 1/3 of the mixture on the bottom of each. Then mix the topping ingredients in the food processor and put them on top.

Place in freezer until frozen solid. Take out 5-10 mins before serving and enjoy!


Yoghurt Bark


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